Sunday, June 20, 2010

The packing goes on and on

Welcome to my first ever blog. Why on earth would you want to read this...I can't imagine. However, after countless hours of planning, zillions of dollars spent at Gander Mnt and various online camping sites, we are finally ready to hit the road to Yellowstone. Two weekends ago we did a "dry" run - under thunderstorm conditions. The tents did not leak, the rain suits were leak-proof and the sleeping bags warm. Of course, the temp was 84. So of course the sleeping bags were warm. In fact, the factoid best discovered was that a 3 man tent, was not large enough for a 12 year old girl and her two brothers. In fact, the campground was not big enough for the 12 year old girl.

We had planned to hike with our brand new packs, but after a night with screaming children we decided our morning was better spent reading the New York Times with a cup of tea. At home.

The following weekend, our second chance to test our hiking skills with packs proved to be record setting heat index weekend. We decided to save the city the HEMSI funds required to rescue us and stay inside. By the third weekend, we didn't try to have an excuse.

So now, three days from take off, our packs sit packed with endless packs of oatmeal, Turkey Jerkey, granola bars and tea bags. I personally hope to break a SMALL bone before the hike into the Yellowstone wilderness, thus requiring me to stay in the hotel: where there are showers, warm food, beds with mattresses and flush able toilets.


  1. Sounds a little scarry, but fun. There are ways you can get into this camping thing by dipping your toe in rather than junping in with both feet you know. And in Yellow Stone they have little cabins you can rent for sleeping, just for a plan B. And of course there is a nice lodge and restaurant just in case.

    In the park store you can buy walking sticks with bells attached(to allert the bears). I heard that the way you tell the difference between the Black Bears & Grisly Bears is to examine the stool. The stool with little shiney bells are the Grislys.

    You have a great time.
    Don Usher

  2. I had another thought about bears to pass on. The bears in Yellowstone are very fast. I've heard they can outrun a deer. So what you need to do is buy a good pair of running shoes and practice running. Now you don't need to outrun the bear, all you need to is outrun Charles. Ouhya, I forgot the kids, better get them running shoes too.
    Don Usher
